Which Professions Drink The Most Coffee? [Infographic]

21 de agosto de 2012 | Sem comentários English Geral

A new survey by Dunkin’ Donuts and CareerBuilder reveals what kind of professionals need a boost in the workplace.

By Emma Hutchings on August 15, 2012.

Dunkin’ Donuts has released the results of their annual survey with CareerBuilder on U.S. coffee consumption trends in the workplace. 4,700 workers were asked questions about their coffee drinking, and scientists/lab technicians were found to need coffee the most at work, followed by marketing/public relations professionals and education administrators.

According to the survey, hotel workers, attorneys and judges are most likely to take their coffee black. Human resources professionals and personal caretakers are most likely to have it with cream and sugar, while editors/writers, government professionals and teachers are most likely to add flavor to their coffee. Japanese coffee-lover Ryoko Iwata created an infographic based on the survey’s findings:

Which Workers Drink The Most Coffee? [Infographic]

I Love Coffee

Photo by Edward Simpson

via PSFK: http://www.psfk.com/2012/08/jobs-drink-most-coffee.html#ixzz24BytIqLQ

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