Seasonal Time Phase Comparison: Coffee (KC)

28 de outubro de 2013 | Sem comentários English Geral

These seasonally charts provide a quick comparison between current year data (black line) and the markets historic 5/10/15/20 year seasonal study (blue line). The vertical gray area (if shown) indicates when and for how long the current year data correlates the specific seasonal study. These seasonal charts should be used as an historic reference of past trends and turing points and not as a buy/sell recommendations … past performance is not indicative of future results.


Five Year Seasonal Study:

Five Year Seasonal Time Phase Comparison: Coffee (KC)



Ten Year Seasonal Study:

Ten Year Seasonal Time Phase Comparison: Coffee (KC)



Fifteen Year Seasonal Study:

Fifteen Year Seasonal Time Phase Comparison: Coffee (KC)



Twenty Year Seasonal Study:

Twenty Year Seasonal Time Phase Comparison: Coffee (KC)

[Coffee Seasonal High Low Cycles]

[Seasonal Time Phase Comparison Overview]

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