DJ CFTC Commitments: Monthly ICE Soft Markets – Jul 7 (part)
Futures Markets:
ICE Futures U.S. Coffee futures open interest increased 19.0 percent in June. Commercial participants, who accounted for 55.5 percent of open interest, held net short positions; they decreased their long positions by 3.6 percent and increased their short positions by 36.7 percent. Non-commercial participants, who accounted for 39.2 percent of open interest, held net long positions. They increased their long positions by 46.3 percent and decreased their short positions by 3.5 percent. Non-reportable participants, who accounted for 5.2 percent of total open interest, held net long positions; they increased their long positions by 34.4 percent and decreased their short positions by 22.2 percent.
Futures and Options Combined Markets:
ICE Futures U.S. Coffee combined open interest increased 27.7 percent in June. Commercial participants, who accounted for 47.7 percent of open interest, held net short positions; their long exposure was increased by 0.9 percent and their short exposure was increased by 39.1 percent. Non-commercial participants, who accounted for 48.1 percent of open interest, held net long positions. Their long exposure was increased by 57.2 percent and their short exposure was increased by 19.5 percent. Non-reportable participants, who accounted for 4.3 percent of total open interest, held net long positions; their long exposure was increased by 19.4 percent and their short exposure was decreased by 15.6 percent.