DJ Brazil July Green Coffee Exports Rise To 2.17M Bags -Cecafe

12 de agosto de 2010 | Sem comentários English Geral

SAO PAULO (Dow Jones)–Brazilian green coffee exports in July totaled 2.17 million 60-kilogram bags, up from 2 million bags a year earlier, according to figures from the Brazilian Green Coffee Exporters Council, or Cecafe. Brazil, the world\’s No. 1 coffee exporter, in  July exported 2.01 million bags of green arabica coffee and 154,700 bags of robusta coffee, Cecafe said Monday. Arabica accounted for 83% of exports in the period.

Cecafe also said Brazil\’s total coffee exports, including instant coffee, amounted to 2.44 million bags in July, compared to 2.26 million bags from July 2009. The total value of all coffee exports was $392 million in the month on strong coffee international coffee prices, compared with $311
million a year ago.

This year, despite the large Brazilian crop, coffee prices have remained firm and high-quality arabica beans are fetching attractive prices for producers as global supplies remain tight. Nearby September coffee on ICE edged up 1.50 cents, or 0.88%, at $1.7110 a pound on Tuesday morning.

Brazilian coffee farmers finished their 2009-10 arabica coffee harvest in September. The new 2010-11 cyclically large harvest is currently being harvested and the beans are flowing from the fields and plantations to the markets and ports.

Brazil also exported 14.92 million bags of arabica and robusta green coffee from January through July compared to 15.56 million bags in the same period last year, Cecafe said.
The main destinations for Brazil\’s coffee was to the U.S., Germany, Italy and Japan from January through July. Brazil is the second-largest coffee-consuming country, behind the U.S.

-By Tony Danby; Dow Jones Newswires; 55-11-3544-7074;

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