Daily Coffee Report, April, 16th.

16 de abril de 2010 | Sem comentários English Geral
Por: Hencorp Commcor

Pysical Market:

The physical coffee market end the week with absence of buyers due a drop in futures terminals.Offers to coffees with 15% of defects between 270.00 and 275,00, and for coffee with 20% of defects between 265,00 and 270,00.


The Sept/10 BM&F Arabica coffee settle@ 155,75 , 2,05 lowerr, totalizing 2.162 contracts , spreads of U/Z @ 2,00 to 2,50. Arbitrages : Set10/Set10 traded between –14,90 to -15,50; Sep10/Dez10 between -16,50 to -17,50 and Dec/Dec @ -15,00 to -16,00. The coffee market ended the week making a new low for the movement coming up to 155.30, tracking the market in NY, that after breaking the 130.00 reached the minimum 129.00. with narrowing of the levels between SP and NYK, and support for purchase by industry.


July coffee contract ended at 130,80, with 260 points lower and ranged between 130.70 and 133.75. Following again the negative trend of the euro against the dollar, the coffee price has worked predominantly in the negative field, after registering the highest whey in the morning (133.75) noticed some sales volume, making the coffee back to depreciate on stops activations letting again to work on minimum levels of the last session, where felt some volume of sales and led to the 31 days lows at 130.70, working without much oscillation.

The negative technical settlement today makes us the idea of tr ying to market new lows, where now works with the objective at 130.00. The 40, 100 and 200 moving average is located respectively at 135.40 / 139.60 and 138.50. According to Cecafé, April shipments totalized 722.100 bags 2,2% higher than over the same period the previous month. July Liffe coffee close today at 1 382, with 4 points lower, in a range between 1378 and 1390.

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